Employee FAQ's

Your payroll number can be found on your payslip and is called Works Number

A P45 is issued to an employee who is leaving their job. It includes details of the taxable pay and how much tax has been deducted. You must give a copy of the P45 to your new employer so that they deduct the correct amount of tax.

A P60 is issued to current employees at the end of each tax year and shows the total taxable pay and tax for that year

Your tax code will be based on the information you will have provided on the New Starter Form. However, if you still believe you are on the wrong tax code, you need to call HMRC on 0300 200 3300 with a copy of your latest payslip.

This can be found on the bottom right of your payslip. It is normally in the format 120/AB12345

You will have received information either by post or email explaining how to opt-out. If you have not received anything, please contact your employer.

Yes, you will need to contact your employer.

Pay As You Earn and Self Assessment
HM Revenue & Customs

Please contact your employer directly.