Stop screwing over Apprentices!​

It is easy to see these wide-eyed, young people as nothing more than squires from the medieval century. But in all seriousness, they do have rights and especially when it comes to pay.

The Low Pay Commission report states that 1 in 5 apprentices earn less than their legal entitlement.

Are you claiming back SSP for staff on Covid?​

Despite the country fighting its way to some kind of normality, employees still risk being affected by Covid.
And with no signs of the track and trace system being changed people will continue to get pinged.

Frustrating as this may be for employers who may lose out on staff having to self isolate, not to mention pay SSP as a result, there is a small glimmer of hope to make this less painful which many businesses are unaware of. Put simply you can claim the money back.

Furlough to be reduced from 80% to 70% in July

From 1st July the level of grant will be reduced and as an employer, you will be asked to contribute towards the cost of the wages. To be eligible for the grant you must continue to pay furloughed employees 80% of their wages.